
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III and iPhone: Hands-on comparison -

Samsung Galaxy S III is a great looking, lightweight smartphone with a 4.8 inch screen. It's available and in stock now at Verizon stores and, plus many other locations. So how does it compare to iPhone? We received a demo Galaxy S III; we own an iPhone, and here are our impressions.

Size and weight: The weight of the two devices is very similar. Galaxy S III weighs a little less though the difference is hardly noticeable. The Samsung Galaxy S III has a huge screen for a mobile phone, measuring 4.8 inches diagonally. Its screen is actually wider than the entire iPhone 4S. Both have about the same thickness (see the slide show accompanying this article). The iPhone fits better into your pocket; the S III's big screen is better for reading books or viewing photos or shows. Click here for more on Samsung Galaxy S III specifications.

Screen resolution: Galaxy S III's screen has more pixels, arrayed 720 x 1280. iPhone 4S has 640 x 960 pixels. Compound that by the screen sizes: S III measures 4.8 inches diagonally versus 3.5 inches for the iPhone 4S. The result is that the iPhone 4S has more pixels per square inch and thus provides a sharper image. The additional pixels per inch do not make up for the screen size in overall viewing ease - you see more, more easily, on the S III's bigger screen.

Operating systems: Galaxy S III uses the Android 4.0 operating system nicknamed "Ice Cream Sandwich" while iPhone 4S uses Apple's iOS 5.0.2 operating system. Both operating systems are good; they're different and either one will take some getting used to for a first-time user. Apple has a strategy of making their newer operating systems available on older devices for several years, which makes the older iPhones useful for a longer period than they might otherwise be usable. For example, the latest version of iOS runs on an iPhone 3 that is over 3 years old. The Android system does not work that way: Historically, if an older Android phone could use a new version of an Android operating system, the owner had to sending the device back to the shop for the upgrade. Check this article for more observations regarding differences between the Android and iOS operating systems.

4G / 3G connectivity capability: Galaxy S III is a 4G phone; it switches from 3G TO 4G depending on what service is available, and indicates on the screen which speed of connectivity it's using. Apple isn't selling any 4G phones yet -- all the iPhones available today (iPhone 3GS, 4, and 4S) use 3G telecommunications speed. What this means to the buyer is that Nexus interfaces more quickly with the Internet whenever the phone is located in aplace with 4G coverage. With Verizon, 4G is now covering includes all of Cleveland, and Cuyahoga County, many surrounding towns, all of Columbus and most large US cities.

More on Samsung Galaxy S III compared to iPhone is coming soon on

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